Learn about the eight Drink Archetypes™ and which ones apply to you.
Get your results and discover how to drink less.


Accordion FAQ
What are the Drink Archetypes™?

Eight unconscious patterns that influence how much people drink. Over time, they can make saying no tricky and lead to drinking more.

Will this quiz reveal if I have Alcohol Use Disorder?

No. This quiz is not a diagnostic tool. We designed the quiz to provide insight and curiosity about your unique drinking patterns.

How long is the quiz?

The quiz takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.

Do I need to complete this quiz all at once?

Yes. We are not able to save your progress if you leave the quiz and come back.

Is this quiz free?

Yes. You do not need to purchase anything to view your results.

Are you going to sell my data?

No. We do not sell your email or data to any third parties.

Rachel Hart International, Inc., this website, and its content, do not provide medical diagnosis or advice, or alcohol, drug addiction or substance abuse treatment, detoxification, or recovery services. For additional information see the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

© Rachel Hart International, Inc. 2025 All Rights Reserved
